Rosa L.

Stipules broad, fused to petiole for most of its length. Hypanthium fleshy enclosing achenes to form a hip Rosa
Floral tube and hip glabrous but sometimes with fine prickles.
Leaflets glandular hairy underneath, fragrant when rubbed. Peduncles with glandular hairs and prickles. Petals pink. Hip ovoid or cylindrical, often prickly. Erect or scrambling shrub to 3 mm high. Widespread. Weed in vacant land. Introd. from Europe. Sweet Briar Rosa rubiginosa
Leaflets without glandular hairs underneath. Peduncles without prickles. Petals white to pinkish. Hip globose without prickles. Erect shrub to 3 m high. Not widespread. Introd. from Europe. Dog Rose Rosa canina